mardi 19 août 2014

Should I Text My Girlfriend If I Want Her Back After a Breakup?

At one time the question was "should I call my girl if I want her back?" but since the onset of texting the rules have changed... if only slightly...

Are you still trying to figure out the answer to – Should I text my girlfriend if I want her back after a break up?

If this question has recently been going through your mind, then by reading on, you can definitely understand how you can handle texting in the right way to give you the best chance of winning your ex girlfriend back.
As cell phones are so very common today, texting has become an interesting and important aspect to relationships. Your girlfriend is never out of reach. With a simple text you can reach her, wherever she may be. But that poses a huge problem when it comes to breakups. Here’s why…

The answers to…Should I Text My Girlfriend?

You must understand one crucial aspect here, to get your ex back, it is vital that you create space. However, texting makes this extremely difficult. For many men, texting their ex is something that is totally irresistible. You have your phone on you all the time so the urge to contact your ex becomes increasingly harder to resist. However, it’s imperative to create space for a couple of reasons.

Why must you create space? By creating space, it allows your ex girlfriend to miss you. If she doesn’t miss you, then there’s no chance she’ll want you back. Also, space allows both you and your girlfriend to have the time you need to sort out your feelings so you know exactly what you want. This is very good as it prevents you from making any hasty decisions you’ll only regret later.

Accept it

When you break up, text your ex and tell her you accept the breakup and hope you can still be friends sometime down the road. If you have done something wrong and that was the reason for the break up, briefly apologize, but don’t go into any great detail.

After this, it is important for you not to send any more texts and break off contact for a couple weeks. This means no more texting (or phone calls, emails, etc.).

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